We have compiled a list of organisations and their websites that provide valuable resources for studying construction history in Asia. We continuously expand this list to better represent the various building cultures in Asia:
Useful websites and links on East Asia | |
Architectura Sinica https://www.architecturasinica.org/index.html |
This is an interactive resource platform for the study of China’s Traditional Architecture, highlighted by the traditional Chinese architectural terminology. |
Suzhou Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick (苏州御窑金砖博物馆) http://www.szyyjzbwg.com |
Virtual Shanghai https://www.virtualshanghai.net |
It contains rich digitalized historical sources for studying the building history of Shanghai |
Seattle Asian Art Museum https://www.seattleartmuseum.org |
It preserves the original drawings of Zaozhuan Tushuo (造砖图说Illustrated Description on Brick Making) |
Shanghai Gazetteers on the Building Construction Industry (上海建筑施工志) https://www.shtong.gov.cn/difangzhi-front/book/detailNew?oneId=1&bookId=69543 |
National Library of China (中国国家图书馆) http://www.nlc.cn/newen/ |
This is a national bibliographic centre and a national centre for preservation and conservation of ancient books in China. |
The First Historical Archives of China (中国第一历史档案馆) https://www.fhac.com.cn/index.html |
The Second Historical Archives of China (中国第二历史档案馆) http://www.shac.net.cn |
Shanghai Library (上海图书馆) https://www.library.sh.cn |
The Needham Institute Library https://www.nri.cam.ac.uk |
Hong Kong Archives Society (香港档案学会) http://www.archives.org.hk/en |
Government Records Service, Hong Kong https://www.grs.gov.hk/en/index.html |
Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum, Japan https://www.dougukan.jp/?lang=en |
Architectural Institute of Japan, 1886 https://www.aij.or.jp/ |
Society of Architectural Historians of Japan, 1983 http://www.sahj.org/ |
Society of Urban & Territorial History, Japan, 2013 https://suth.jp/ |
The Japan Society for the History of Interiors, Furniture and Tools, 2008 https://www.jpshift2008.org/ |
Useful websites and links on Southeast Asia | |
Docomomo Singapore Webpage https://www.docomomo.sg/ |
It has extensive information on modern architecture in Singapore. |
Asia Research Institute’s website https://ari.nus.edu.sg/ |
It offers postdoctoral and research fellowships. It hosts workshops, conferences, seminars and other events related to different disciplines in the humanities and social science. |
NUS architecture website https://cde.nus.edu.sg/arch/ |
Malaysia Design Archive https://www.malaysiadesignarchive.org |
It collects information and organises different events related to design in Malaysia. |
Useful websites and links on South Asia | |
Architexturez South Asia https://architexturez.net |
This website collects ideas and proposals about physical space and related disciplines in the subcontinent. It records processes, critical texts, and examples of conditions found in South Asia. |
Think Matter https://www.thinkmatter.in |
This website aims to establish a significant community of architects, designers, thinkers, teachers, and students who can impact the direction of architecture and design in India and its neighboring regions. |
The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute at Harvard University (The Mittal Institute) https://www.mittalsouthasiainstitute.harvard.edu |
This institute also looks at architecture, but not exclusively. |
National Archives of India https://www.nationalarchives.nic.in |
National Museum New Delhi http://www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in/en |
Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture (CAMEA) at The University of Adelaide https://set.adelaide.edu.au/architecture/research/asia-the-middle-east |
Ministry of Culture, Government of India https://indiaculture.gov.in/world-heritage |
Useful websites and links on West Asia | |
Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts, Iran https://www.mcth.ir/english |
Program and website founded by Prof. Pierre Brian on the Achaemenid Empire http://www.achemenet.com/en/ |
Docomomo Iran Webpage https://docomomo.ir/ |
Parse-Pasargadae Research Foundation https://persepolis.info/en/component/content/ |
National Museum of Iran https://irannationalmuseum.ir/en/ |
Docomomo Turkey Webpage http://www.docomomo-tr.org/ |